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Hi, I'm Artem Ramus.

Data science, NLP, backend. Python, SQL, JavaScript.

Explore my work

What I enjoy

Data Science

Adapt data science to business needs. Write production grade data science pipelines with Python and SQL. Apply classification, regression and clustering.


Use natural language processing and data mining for business needs. Apply rule-based & statistical approaches, word2vec, transformers & LLMs.


Develop backend applications with Django, HTML, CSS & JS. Prepare ML scripts for production on server or cloud. Work with containers.



Companies bankruptcy

The goal of this project is to spot bankrupt companies based on 95 financial book attributes.

ROC AUC curve

Credit card fraud

The goal of this project is to predict if a transaction is fraudulent based on 28 anonymous features and an amount.

Text topic classification

The goal is to classify the given texts into 4 subjects i.e, maths, physics, chemistry, and biology.

Probability plot

Vehicle fuel economy

The goal of this project is to predict fuel consumption based on the car characteristics

Box plot

Credit score

The goal of this project is to predict a credit score based on 304 financial attributes.

Time series decomposition

Chickenpox time series

The goal of the project is to predict chickenpox cases one year ahead based on known history.


Air polution clustering

The goal of this project is to find areas in India with similar air pollution characteristics.

LLM & DB results

LLM with Database

Simulation of Machine Learning interview with plain OpenAI and based on related articles.

Pricing curve

Riding services pricing

Maximization of a profit from a ride-hailing service is simulated as a function of a payment to drivers.

Task namager page

Task manager

Taskmate is a task manager web application build using Django framework.

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